What to Expect as You Recover from Labiaplasty

myIf you’re unhappy with the appearance of your vagina, you may be considering labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is an outpatient surgery, meaning you can go home the same day. You’ll need to have somebody drive you home, though, and you will probably have some prescription medications to pick up. So, what happens after that?

Recovering at Home

You’ll need to rest and recuperate but you should be able to return to your normal routine within 1 to 2 weeks. Here’s what to expect in the meantime:

  • You’ll probably be prescribed medications to help manage pain and discomfort. These medications can cause constipation, so be sure to drink plenty of fluids.
  • Since you won’t be able to lift more than a couple of pounds at first, you will need help around the house.

If you have children, make sure you have someone who can help out with them while you rest and heal.

  • You won’t be able to swim for about 6 weeks.
  • You’ll have to refrain from sexual intercourse for approximately 6 weeks.

Caring for Your Incision

An important part of labiaplasty recovery is caring for the surgical incision. Your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions, but you’ll most likely need to stay out of the shower for at least 48 hours, and you won’t be able to take a bath until your sutures have dissolved.

Keep your incision clean and dry, and wear absorbent pads as directed. Your scars will most likely be red and swollen for several weeks after your procedure. Over time, though, they should fade and become softer.

Recovery varies from person to person, and will be longer if you had your labiaplasty as part of a mommy makeover. Ask your board-certified plastic surgeon if you have any questions or concerns during your labiaplasty recovery.

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What to Expect as You Recover from Labiaplasty
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