The O Spot Shot

For women who experience difficulty achieving sexual arousal or reaching orgasm, the O Spot Shot offers a nonsurgical treatment option. Whether your degree of sexual satisfaction gradually diminished with age and hormonal changes, or you have always had problems achieving the pleasure you desire, vaginal PRP injections may be the ideal treatment for you.

As a leading female plastic surgeon in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, Dr. Jennifer Harrington understands just how personal any feminine rejuvenation treatment can be. She’ll work closely with you to understand your needs and concerns regarding intimacy, helping you decide on the best approach for achieving your goals.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation at our Plymouth office and learn how Dr. Harrington has helped women just like you through O Spot Shot treatments.


Why Consider the O Spot Shot

Sexual difficulties among women are far more common than people realize. When these problems go unaddressed, women may feel a decline in the quality of their intimate relationships, or worse, blame themselves for their inability to experience sexual arousal or achieve orgasm, when in fact the issue may be entirely beyond their control.

Some of the most common reasons women consider getting the O Spot Shot include:

  • Inability to experience sexual pleasure or achieve orgasm during intercourse
  • Lack of adequate self-lubrication
  • Vaginal looseness
  • Stress incontinence
  • Loss of sensitivity in or around the vagina

The O Spot Shot uses PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, to rejuvenate the vagina and vulva by stimulating new healthy tissue growth, which in turn can increase sensitivity and enhance vaginal strength.

Depending on your goals and anatomy, Dr. Harrington may alternate or suggest additional treatments to complement the results of your O Spot Shot.

Your O Spot Shot Procedure

Your O Spot Shot consultation and treatment will be performed by Dr. Harrington and her certified physician assistant or nurse. The procedure begins with a simple blood draw from your arm. After, the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the blood using a centrifuge. The PRP is then injected into specific vaginal areas, including the G spot and clitoris.

Prior to injection, a topical numbing cream is applied to the area to minimize any discomfort. Most women report feeling little to no discomfort during the treatment itself. The entire process should only take about 30 minutes.

O Spot Shot treatments are performed in our state-of-the-art office in Plymouth. You may return home immediately following your appointment.

O Spot Shot Recovery

Because the O Spot Shot requires no anesthesia or incisions, most women resume their normal routine as soon as they’ve completed treatment, including sexual intimacy and intercourse.

Your O Spot Shot results should develop gradually over the weeks and months following your vaginal rejuvenation treatment. Some women may achieve their desired improvements after a single treatment, while others may consider more than one treatment session.

Next Steps

At Harrington + Associates Plastic Surgery, we make your personal comfort and confidence is our top priority, and we take pride in helping each woman feel her absolute best. For help deciding whether the O Spot Shot may be right for you, please call us at 651-290-7600 or contact us online.

O Spot Shot FAQs

How does the O Spot Shot work?

The O Spot Shot provides a natural vaginal rejuvenation treatment by injecting platelet rich plasma, or PRP, directly into areas of the vagina or vulva, such as the G spot or clitoris, to increase sensitivity and stimulate healthy tissue growth.

This can help women achieve sexual arousal, orgasm and self-lubrication. In addition to increasing vaginal sensitivity, the O Spot Shot may also help strengthen the vaginal muscles.

What is platelet rich plasma?

Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, is blood plasma that has a high concentration of growth factors. After your blood is drawn from your arm, the PRP can be isolated using a centrifuge. Your own growth factors are then injected into specific areas that need rejuvenation.

What’s the difference between the O Spot Shot and other feminine rejuvenation treatments?

The O Spot Shot addresses different concerns than other nonsurgical feminine rejuvenation procedures. The O Spot Shot is not meant for vaginal tightening so much as increased sensitivity and strength. Other rejuvenation procedures, such as labiaplasty, are more cosmetic in nature and specifically focus on the labia rather than the vagina. Unlike labiaplasty, the O Spot Shot is non-surgical.

Am I a good candidate for getting the O Spot Shot?

If you struggle with sexual arousal or achieving orgasm, and feel that this has had a negative impact on your personal life or confidence, you very well might be a good candidate for the O Spot Shot. Many women experience difficulties in sexual arousal and intimacy after aging, giving birth or going through menopause, while others report having problems with orgasm, self-lubrication and sexual pleasure from a young age. Dr. Harrington can help you better understand whether the O Spot Shot is right for you.

How long does it take to get the O Spot Shot?

The O Spot Shot is a quick nonsurgical treatment that can take as little as half an hour.

Does the O Spot Shot require downtime?

The O Spot Shot is minimally and does not require any downtime. You can return to your normal routine once you are finished having the treatment and you may resume sexual intercourse at any time that you feel comfortable.

How many O Spot Shot treatments should I get?

Because all vaginal rejuvenation treatments are highly personalized, the number of recommended O Spot Shots depends on your needs and how your body responds to the procedure. Many women are happy with their results after only a single O Spot Shot, while others find that a second treatment helps build upon their initial results.

Additional Resources


O Spot Shot Twin Cities G Spot PRP Injections
Service Type
O Spot Shot Twin Cities G Spot PRP Injections
Provider Name
Dr. Jennifer Harrington,
2805 Campus Drive, East Building, Suite 485,Plymouth,Minnesota-55441,
Telephone No.(651) 290-7600
Minneapolis-St. Paul
Dr. Jennifer Harrington is a top female plastic surgeon in Minneapolis-St. Paul who offers the O Spot Shot, a vaginal PRP injection to enhance sexual pleasure.

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