What to Expect After Having Pubic Mound Liposuction

What to Expect After Having Pubic Mound LiposuctionMany women have chosen to have pubic mound liposuction to help slim and reshape their pubic area.* A fatty mons pubis can cause women to feel less feminine, and can make it more difficult to wear certain clothes. If you are curious about correcting a large pubic mound through surgery, here’s what you should know about mons pubis liposuction recovery:*

  • You can most likely return to work within a few days.* The pain from mons pubis liposuction is generally minimal, and most women are able to go back to work very soon. Your particular experience may vary depending on the type of work you do, so discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
  • Most people experience some swelling and bruising for up to 2 weeks after the procedure.*
  • You may continue to have some mild to moderate discomfort for around 7 to 10 days after having pubic mound liposuction,* though each person’s exact experience will be different.
  • You should not have sex for 2 weeks after having mons pubis liposuction. If you also had labiaplasty, this restriction extends to 6 weeks.
  • Other activities, such as vigorous exercise or bike riding, should be restricted for several weeks—or as long as your plastic surgeon advises.
  • Gentle massage may provide some relief from swelling and discomfort, but be sure to take it easy and heed your plastic surgeon’s advice for how much pressure you should use.
  • Your plastic surgeon will likely recommend that you wear a tight-fitting underwear or a special girdle to provide gentle support for the area as it heals and to help minimize swelling.*
Failure to follow your plastic surgeon’s recovery instructions and activity restrictions could prolong your recovery time and affect your results.

Mons Pubis Lipo: Results & Recovery

Seeing your final mons pubis lipo results will probably take several weeks to develop.* As the last bit of swelling begins to subside, you should see your final results take shape.* Make sure you talk with your plastic surgeon about when you can expect this to happen for you.

*This information is for education only, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.


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